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Keimyung Medical Journal 1990;9(3):355-359.
3 Cases of Intradermal Neurilemmomas
진피내에 발생한 신경초종 3례
노용지; 김석주; 박의수; 송준영
A neurilemmoma is a relatively uncommon tumor of the nerve sheath and almost never in malignant form. It is a slow-growing; encapsulated nerve tumor. Benign neurilemmoma occur commonly in the cranial acoustic nerves; but can occur on the flexor surfaces of the upper and lower limbs. There is no appreciable sex predilection; and most cases are seen in adults past the age of 30 years. The tumor has been seen to arise in major nerves and nerve branches; including the posterior tibial nerve; peroneal nerve; and femoral nerve. Common differential diagnoses are ganglion; lipoma; neuroma; and hemangioma. Symptoms most often are a palpable mass; usually tender to palpation. A history of a localized area of swelling that increases in size and firmness over a period of several years is usual. Histologically; the tumor is composed of antoni type A and B tissue. In Antoni type A tissue; there are interlacing bundles of spindle-shaped cells arranged in a compact fashion with a pallisading of cell nuclei. Antoni type B tissue exhibits the same type of cells loosely arranged with intervening collagen fibers. The tumor usually is located in deep tissue and rarely is just under the epidermis. And so we represents 3 cases of intradermal neurilemmoma in our department of dermatology.
Key Words: Neurilemmoma

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