A case of U-shape Looping of Pulmonary Artery Catheter in the Inferior Vena Cava |
폐동맥 카테터가 하대정맥에서 U자 고리를 형성한 증례 1례 |
이용철 |
Abstract |
Pulmanary artery catheter is a useful monitoring device for the pulmonary artery pressure;
pulmonary artery wedge pressure; cardiac output; and mixed venous oxygen saturation in the
cardiac surgery or intensive care. However the insertion procedure brings about many
complications including arrhythmia; pulmonary artery rupture; thrombosis; knotting; and
entrapment. We report here on a case of fixing of the pulmonary artery catheter in the pulmonary
artery lumen; which causes failure for obtaining pulmonary artery wedge pressure and
misplacement and U-shape looping in the inferior vena cava in the patient underwent mitral valve
replacement. The looping was corrected by simple retraction of the catheter without surgical
intervention. |
Key Words:
Complications, Misplacement, Pulmonary artery catheter |