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Keimyung Medical Journal 2007;26(1):29-36.
US and CT findings of Segmental Omental Infarction
분절성 대망 경색의 초음파 및 전산화 단층촬영 소견
The purpose of this study was to describe ultrasound (US) and computed tomographic (CT) findings of segmental omental infarction. During a recent 10-year period; I experienced 17 patients with segmental omental infarction. This disease was detected initially by US; and confirmed subsequently by CT. US and CT findings were retrospectively analyzed with an emphasis on the size; location; internal appearance; rim; relationship to the adjacent bowel; or fixation to the anterior parietal peritoneum. Surgery was performed in two cases. Follow-up examinations were performed with US (n=1); with US and CT (n=1); and with clinical features (n=15). Four masses were situated in the right lower abdomen; four in the epigastric region; seven in the right upper abdomen; one in the periumbilical abdomen; and one in the right pelvic region. US showed solid; hyperechoic; noncompressible; cakelike or ovoid masses. Of these; five had hypoechoic rim. On CT scans; all lesions appeared as well-circumscribed; cakelike or ovoid masses with attenuation of fat under the anterior parietal peritoneum. Fourteen masses had hyperattenuating rim. The adjacent parietal peritoneum was thickened in 13 cases. Segmental omental infarction could be diagnosed on US and CT and followed up with conservative treatment.
Key Words: Abdomen, Acute conditions, Omentum

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